Sunday, April 12, 2009

What's for Dinner?

Saturday I was able to prepare enough food for 23 servings...that means TWENTY-THREE MEALS which is a little more than 1 whole week's worth (eating 3 square meals a day).

Being a single mom has enough daily challenges-preparing meals has certainly been a big one. I can eat with one hand while balancing Mason with the other, but it's near impossible, and unsafe, for me to cook while holding him as well. So this past weekend I planned to put Mason down for a long nap (3 hrs) and went about like a mad woman cooking 4 different dishes, storing them, and putting some in the fridge and others in the freezer for later.

I cooked Poppyseed Chicken Casserole, Red Curry Chicken with Rice, and then two of my recipes were from this Blog...can't wait for my yummy meals!

Baked French Toast

Mexican Chicken

Psssst, I cooked 12 cups of rice in the mix for all of the dishes...that's a whole lotta rice!


The Farm said...

I am so stinking impressed with how organized you are and how well you are adapting to everything.

Tiffany Norris said...

So impressed! Dinner has perhaps been the biggest challenge of my married life...almost four years now, and I'm still working on it. :)

{Amanda} said...

Thanks y'all- I think I'm "sold" on this weekend cooking plan. It's made things so much easier during the week to simply "nuke" a serving and actually enjoy a meal.