I definitely grew up appreciating fashion, style, and good taste.
And from whom did I learn?
My mother of course!
In the mid-70s, Mom worked at a high-end boutique named Margaret's in West Texas before she met dad. Margaret, the owner, would take frequent NYC trips to buy for her luxury shop and special clientele. Her prête à porter apparel was both classic and current high fashion. At first glance, you might wonder why a town in West Texas had such a demand, but it's a simple answer: Black Gold. And since oil = money (hey it's no different even now), there was a surprising rise of class in certain circles. And a rise of high fashion as well. (yeah, not everyone wears boots, chaps, and spurs everyday!)
Of course with nouveau riche, I'm sure there were over-the-top furs and diamonds, but Mom's style was chic and classic. In fact, many of her fashions could easily be pulled off today. I was going through some old photos, and am taking notes for future outfits...
Luv this wool Aspen sweater (I was a Shoe-horse at a young age...am still thinking those strappy wedges are cute!)

Aren't they a dashing couple? And why who is that darling little girl in the portrait behind them =) I think the bright colors and sash belt give this outfit a Southwestern vibe. Momma, where are your shoes?
Blue dress with simple lines, belt-cinched waist, matching heels, and of course classic pearls.

Light pastel-striped tailored button-down paired with a white pencil skirt.

I love that last photo...the judge in the background holding one of the twins is precious! You ain't lookin' too shabby as a baby girl neither!
you wanna hear how nostalgic these photos were?
the 4th one was at the airport and we had just picked up BeeBee (my first plane ride @ 4yrs...and was recovering from motion sickness)
and then the last one was with the judge while we were signing papers to adopt the twins (3 yrs).
ohhh NO- you do have Baby Fever!!!
I am totally loving these pics - the sweater in the first one is too cool and the last pic is beyond adorable!
Thanks for sharing a bit of your family history :-)
those pictures are soo cute!
thanks so much always in style & a vogue idea
i love going back to childhood pictures =)
happy times!
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