Sunday, June 8, 2008

All Weekend Long

I had the weekend in town.
All weekend long.
And you know what they say about "idle hands"...

Friday night I had a lovely dinner with my wonderful friend Betty (one of our Supper Club founding members!). We had planned an official Supper Club, but Buckeye Belle was detained with work overload- devastating! We missed her horribly, but made plans to meet up the next day (to come).

Meanwhile, Betty baked a scrumptious meal of: Tuscan Dip; Fresh Strawberry Salad; Sauteed Squash and Asparagus; and Paula Dean's Georgia Chicken. It was AWESOME! And you know how you'll hear people rave and say, "oh I just must get that recipe from you....some day." I didn't give Betty a moment of delay- I got the Tuscan Dip recipe that night =) She inspired me though. I'm resolving to get great recipes on-the-spot rather than simply rave about the meal.

Saturday I woke up late to make a lazy, yet lovely breakfast. My favorite meal of the day. It's nice to indulge sometimes. Then it was off to shop for mirrors for above my mantel (I'm moving that artwork to the top of the stair landing); new pillows for the bench I have yet to pick up (will they charge demurrage?!?!?); an oversized wall clock and mosquito netting to hang above the back guestroom bed.

Pink Pimpette
came over and then we drove to meet with Betty and Buckeye Belle for the much-anticipated viewing of
SEX AND THE CITY. Fabulous! I cannot say more or I may ruin it for those who have not seen it yet, but what a glorious storyline... And then the four of us went for cocktails and sushi so we could discuss every aspect of the movie. Perfect number in our party huh? I think I must see it again in theaters to fully appreciate the film...then I'll purchase the DVD immediately on-release to enjoy it in its entirety.
Pink Pimpette and I had a slumber-party discussing various topics from the order of a wedding reception to what it is to truly be in love- the kind that makes you silly-happy and uncontrollably giddy.

Sunday I slept in again. Actually poor Pink Pimpette had to knock on my door to make sure I was still alive. I made brunch, then we talked for a while. She watched a movie while I cleaned up a bit and then surfed on the Web for ideas. After she left I went for a run...went shopping for groceries at a local, overpriced, hoity-toity, organic food market that has sucked me in because of the exotic-foods-and-trendy-clean-feeling-of-being-green. And then came home to bake an experimental dish of : flounder stuffed with spinach/bacon/toasted walnuts and topped with red Roma tomatoes and sprinkled with Parmesan. Not bad for a single gal? Yummm.

Oh and I almost left off that I've had some very important photos taken this weekend. Now be cognisant that these are serious artistic works of art and NOT online ego boosters (who does that?).

Without further ado, here are three preview slides of my going-to-push-me-forward-as-a-rising-designer-star pictures that will be featured in House Beautiful the last month of never.

Don't worry, I'm not quitting my day job =)


Jamie Grizzle said...

You could totally quit your day job and decorate. Your house is beautifully decorated, warm and ecclectic. I would buy an issue of House Beatiful I saw one of your rooms on the cover any day!

{Amanda} said...

if only i really could =)

(if you're my boss or fellow co-worker, that was only a JOKE!)

back to work...