Sunday, August 31, 2008

Small Household Appliances

In the spirit of the past week's "domestication", I used an old Christmas giftcard (you know I usually forget about
my giftcards and don't remember until after they've expired) to purchase two new kitchen appliances. Thanks Dear Friend =)

I'm such a nerd! I really like the stainless steel blender as this will be my 1 appliance on display
***a designer trick to eliminating the appearance of a cluttered kitchen is to limit yourself to one appliance on the counter***

My dad makes these really great milkshakes- I think I was a little nostalgic when I got the blender with visions of icecream, pink straws, malts...

The bookstore had a yummy Slow Cook cookbook on the discount aisle. I may have to peruse it again OR find something from here


Anonymous said...

i like that idea of just one appliance. if i lived on my own, i'd have one in that girly pink color.

{Amanda} said...

girl, i've been tempted too. they have the kitchenaid appliances that support breast cancer research and they're in all pink.

i think a mix of pink, brown and white kitchen could have a fresh and slightly vintagey feel without being too frilly girly. although i must say that it's tough to not be girly with pink! =)