Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Care Package

A friend of mine who was recently diagnosed with a chronic illness has an already-weakened immune system which makes everyday sicknesses become monstrously icky. Last week I learned she came down sick again and although I didn't get this out to her when I meant to, I figured better late than never.
I wrapped up her box in simple brown craft paper even though it could have shipped as-is; there's something fun about being able to tear open a wrapped package before having to cut through the tape.
Brown Paper Packages Tied Up With String...
I dropped in some happy goodies (stationery & thumbtacks), and then of course the requisite chicken noodle soup (dry mix...much safer to ship and also weighs less than a Campbell's Soup can).

Tied a pink ribbon to the soup package, and then stapled this label to the top.


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